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It’s NEVER too late to start saving money – these easy tips will get you started

It’s NEVER too late to start saving money – these easy tips will get you started

If saving money isn't one of your strongest skills, this guide will head you in the right direction in no time. Remember, it doesn't matter WHEN you start, it only matters that you MAKE a start!

Happy Savings Day! 

Wait…what? How many times have you set that new years resolution “Next year, I’m going to save my money for a new #somethingspecial”.

I know personally, I fail BADLY at New Year Resolutions.  I get side tracked, I tell myself “I’ll get back onto that tomorrow” and a week slides, a month whizzes past, and the next thing I know its Christmas AGAIN!

Changing habits won’t happen over night, but they can happen – simply by making small changes and deciding to stick to them. Don’t try and do it all at once – I know after reading this article, my next change to saving coin is going to be online grocery shopping – click and collect – at least this way I will know how much I’m spending before I get to the checkout, and then I can cull a few of those items (and check the pantry at the same time).

We suggest that you take a look at this list (there’s 101 to choose from, but there will be more out there somewhere) and pick a few to start with – it might be that you drop that morning coffee on the way into work (don’t carry loose change or your EFTPOS card); or it might be that you pack your lunch from home and take it to work.  Any start to committing to a change is a step forward.

My husband makes his lunches a week or two ahead – did you know a bag of bread rolls and a roast chicken costs less than $15? Over 10 lunches (2 weeks) that’s $1.50 for lunch compared to the cheapest Subway 6″ roll at $5 – bam – automatic saving!! Our freezer is always stocked with lunches!  As you sigh and shake your head thinking, “I don’t have TIME for that!” it takes us less than 15 minutes to put them together and into the freezer – winner!

So, if you are SERIOUS about saving some coin, make yourself a cuppa, pull up a pew, and have a read of this comprehensive article on how you can save money easily.

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